How To Launch Your Idea With A Strategy!

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of launching your fabulous idea?

Maybe it’s your brand new business or a new offering.

Typically the dreaded “how” causes us to freeze.

It keeps us looking at the overwhelming big picture instead of actionable little steps that get you to your actual goal.

It can be the worst. 

Like, all that amped-up energy just deflates like a 2-week old birthday balloon.

Spoiler alert…you know what you need to do, but you don’t have to know everything right now. You can take one small step at a time.

I could just stop there, but that would be awful wouldn't it?!

Ya know I’m your girl to help break things down into actual steps because I do not want another week to pass where you didn’t take action because you’re stuck in the how. 

What does this process look like?

  1. Determine when you would like to launch your idea.

  2. Brain Dump time! Don’t worry about “the how” and just start writing out all the things that come to mind to do.

  3. Put in order what has to come first, then second, etc. 

  4. Set due dates for each task pending how long it’ll take you to complete (the biggest tip here is setting realistic expectations…especially if you’re hiring out some of it).

  5. Use your time frames to work backward from your due date. You may realize you can finish sooner than you thought OR that you’re going to need more time.

  6. Pull up your fancy Google Dog and list out your tasks in due-date order. Bonus if you want to add little checkboxes to mark off as you go.

  7. Print this list off or put it in your task management software or calendar

Simple, huh? 

I mean, it really could be. But you may also find that things may take longer than you thought or some random curve ball gets thrown in. Either way, it’s okay to go in and adjust those timelines (if possible) and keep moving forward. 

Don’t let 1 little mishap cause you to scratch the whole thing! 

And yes, you may have guessed this is a brain dump framework that will be taught as a masterclass on 11/21! You can find more details right here.

Amanda QuickComment