January 1st Or Now?

To-Do List:
☑️ be grateful
☑️ eat our weight in turkey
☑️ grab some gifts that are on sale

☑️ break out the (insert your holiday here) decorations
☑️ start and/or finish buying and wrapping gifts
☑️ gather with family/loved ones to celebrate your holiday
☑️ on the 31st decide allllll the things you're going to strive to change to really ring in 2022

☑️ on the 1st embark on your new resolutions

But, wait. What if we didn’t actually wait until January 1st to embark on new things?

What if you started them beforehand...like today? 

Maybe not figure out everything, but at least take a step? 

Does that scare you? 

What if I told you that it’s going to suck to get started either way. I’ve talked about that before - starting new things is scary and they’re not going to be perfect. But you have to start somewhere. 

And I’m not sure at what age it starts to happen, but as we get older we expect way more out of ourselves than is really necessary. Especially in business. 

“I’ve started a business and I must know how to do it all. I also must do it all right now this minute because that’s what everyone else is doing. And if I’m not doing it as fast as they are I must be failing. And if I look like I’m failing then nobody will pay me. And if nobody pays me, then what the heck am I actually doing?”

Yes, I might have written that from actual thoughts that have been in my head at more than one point in time.


Yeah, no. Let’s stop with that, okay?

So - hear me out. 

Is there something you’d like to start but feel like you have to wait until the new year? 

If so, start it. Start it now. Start it tomorrow. Or start it on December 23rd. 

Look at it as “you’ll never be ready” or “now is as good of a time as the 1st” or whatever. Just freaking start. 


And yes, this photo is of me holding a steaming hot pile of meatloaf that I made for a friend for a meal train I signed up for. I don’t love cooking. But we like to eat healthily. So, I started cooking over 3 years ago and now feel confident enough to make meals for other people. 

I started. And dang if that meatloaf isn't super tasty!

Do you like a fresh start on the 1st or are you starting before then?

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