Ready To Save More Time?!

Do you love the process of booking a group meeting?

Picture it….

You’re drafting an email to 4 people with 5 different dates and times.

You hit send and cross your fingers that 2 of them work! 

The emails start coming back. 

You go to your paper calendar and start tallying when works for who.

Go back to the next email and back to your calendar….




Or maybe you’ve used Doodle Poll - but the pop up adddddds

Well - no fear - a Calendly update is here!

Calendly released Meeting Polls in December and it’s magical. 

You choose the days and times that work for you (you can even put placeholders on your calendar so they don’t get booked). 

You decide the location and even an agenda if you’d like.

You publish the meeting poll and it creates a link. 

Email those 4 people and add in the link. 

They pick the days and times that work for them.

You can then log into your calendly and see the selected days and times. 

Then you book the winning date/time from there and it goes on their calendar. 

Want the full scoop? Click here for their press release with way more details!

Done. Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am! 

Have you tried this feature out yet?!

Amanda Quick