They're Going To Hire Someone, Why Not You?

Have you ever been to an event and someone was on stage teaching something business related and you thought...they're really good, but dang it I know this info, too.

Or how about hearing someone teach on a topic and you're like...okay...people are paying them?

Not in a shitty way. But in an "I'm really good at what I do and offer a really great experience. So if people are paying them there is no reason people shouldn't be paying me!" way.

Lastly, have you ever heard someone teach and you’re 110% sure they maybe shouldn’t be?

Well, I'm here to tell you that there are people who are not as good as you that your potential customers are hiring.

Burn a little? It does me!

Think about it though. There are potential clients out there that need your service/product. There are other service providers out there sharing their info. If you're not putting your hat in the ring, your potential client is going to buy from someone else.

✨ You are good enough.
✨ You offer an amazing experience.
✨ You’re passionate about wanting your clients to get value from your service/product.

I believe that, but you have to believe that.

Your potential clients are out there.

They’re everywhere.

They’re in your local market, they’re in the surrounding areas, there in your country, and even in other countries.

At some point in time, these people will more than likely need the type of services you offer and they’re going to buy from somebody.

Why shouldn’t it be you?

To some, this seems like a silly question.

But for others, we let our ego get in the way.

No, not the ego that comes in and has no problem being the big wig on campus.

It’s the ego that makes us question who we are and what we’re able to do.

The little voice that tells us you don’t deserve that because you don’t know enough. You don’t deserve that because you don’t make enough money. You don’t deserve that because you need more certifications and letters behind your name (obviously in some cases this is necessary!)

It’s the ego that keeps you from opening your mouth and sharing all of the goodness that you have for others to learn. And for others to hire you. Certifications are great and they do mean a lot. Income goals are great and those mean a lot. But don’t let those stop you from sharing what you know right now.

There are people charging way more money that know way less and more than likely won’t give the level of customer service you will.

Let it be you they hire.

Get your voice heard in whatever format possible so they can find you and benefit from your product/service!

A little reflection question:

Have you ever heard of or witnessed someone who has offered a very subpar service to clients because maybe they just wanted a quick buck? Okay…now picture your potential client buying from them instead of you.

Does that light a fire?

I hope it does!

Now, choose one way to take to share about your services and have a call to action, so they know you’re ready to serve them.

Some examples could be:
- newsletter
- social media post/story/reel/thread/whatever
- in-person networking event
- email your network sharing that you are looking for referrals
- ask for a testimonial and then share it

Lastly, if you want help holding yourself accountable, reply back with your action, and let's pick a deadline for you to do it!

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