What's The Difference In Services?!

What's the difference in services? 

Within the accountability group I'm in, a woman stated, "I'm always excited that you post, but I'm not sure how you work with clients."

Huh. I got curious about this and two things came to mind - I feel like it's obvious and I shared something about it 3 months ago, so I just assumed people knew.

Ha! I mean...how silly does that sound when I type it out? 3 months ago? Because you all are paying that close attention that I should expect you to remember...nope. (If you have noticed I tend to use my content to call myself out and here we are!)

So, because I've worked on this I'm going to share the 4 ways we can work together - BUT I also want you to do the same. You can reply back to me to give yourself a first draft or create your newsletter and/or social and share away!

Between brain dumps, looking at goals, and looking at what owners are frustrated with is where I thrive. I love to come in and pull things apart and see how we can put them back together in a way that helps you run your business and your life more efficiently. 

Your schedule is all over the place. You have zero processes to run your business off of, you have no customer experience,  or maybe you have no clue how much time your work actually takes you to do.

  1. Masterclasses: think DIY. These are recorded classes that cover the 6 different brain dump frameworks that I use within my 1:1 coaching. Class + template is all there for you to DIY!

  1. 1:1 Coaching: we’re digging in for 3 months! We’ll determine your pain points up front and work together to pull things apart and put them back together to fit your goals. We can typically knock out 2 struggles you’re having in your business and those who like to process info love this.

  2. VIP Days: you’re ready, right now. It’s been on your list and you want it completed. We determine your struggle up front, do some digging in a strategy call, then  You + me for a chunk of time, and we follow up with another call because clients love accountability

  3. Small Business Cultivator: the whole shabang! This is an agency-esque of 7 experts that help you build your business right from the start. Design, marketing, strategy, systems, and finances - we help take your clear business idea and develop it into a business in 120 days!

Not sure which one you feel is best? Discovery calls are always free!

To be clear is to be kind. So, there it is!

Now, it's your turn! How do people buy your stuff? In the words of a mentor of mine, "Nobody is going to sell your shit for you...so go and do it!"

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