What It's Like To Be Part Of An Online Community?!

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be part of an online community? Do you feel lonely as a business owner and tend to underestimate your value whether that be your products or services?

Today I’m sharing the ins of my specific community, but please know that there are so so so many communities out there. Mine may not jive with you and that’s okay. But, if you’re feeling what I mentioned above - I highly encourage you to find one that fits your needs!

Community, connections, and building your contact sphere is what we’re all about in The Hatchery Community.

How does it work?

First, we do a discovery call to see what your needs are. This is where we can meet, and get to know you and your business.

Then, we get you signed up for the membership that best suits you. We aren’t a one size fits all membership around here! We have two options to choose from! One is for The Hatchery Community and the other is that plus private coaching!

Finally, I send over the sign-up link, and you get access to other members, all our live classes, over 30 recorded classes, and monthly member Q&A! 

We’ll guide you through development and growth by interacting with like-minded entrepreneurs. You have the opportunity to share ideas, problem-solve, and ultimately build your businesses together.

Nobody should start or run a business alone - with a community behind you we'll support your wins, listen to your struggles, and kick you into gear when you're ready to get going! I strongly believe in community and knowing that when we help one another all ships will rise.

You can take the first step and get more info by clicking here!

Amanda Quick