What's Your Personality Type?

Now, don’t worry, I’m not talking about the normal personality types…Enneagram (hey 7’s!) or DISC or the other 43 out there. 

I’m talking about your Social Media/Marketing Platform personality type. 

Do you show up on all of them the same? 

Or do you feel like you have to “be” someone different depending on which platform you’re on?

And now that I’m writing this there was definitely a meme going around about this (*note to find it later) and it was spot on!

Do you feel like you can show up on your Instagram stories the same way you show up in your newsletter the same way you show up on LinkedIn?

I’m not about to lie and say I don’t struggle with this at times!

I definitely didn’t feel that TikTok me could show up on Instagram Reels because I felt super comfortable doing TikToks in a hoodie, but not on Reels. 

There’s this feeling of needing an aesthetically pleasing Instagram grid, but that’s not the case on TikTok. So, people tend to get overwhelmed with creating an aesthetically pleasing grid they just don’t show up at all. 

And then there’s the newsletter me! Our Small Business Cultivator newsletter to be exact. 

Because it’s a bigger price tag I felt I needed to go and put on this business suit (that I don’t have) and talk with the best grammar possible and address the readers as Sir and Ma’am! 

Even though I’m the one that launched the thing I had this insecurity that I had to show up as someone else. 

Why do our minds do this to us? Seriously, someone who is way smarter than me please share!

When we say it out loud it sounds like a silly thing to do, but you flip on that camera or pull up your newsletter template and hello - here comes the insecurities!

So, I’d love to know - do you feel you have (or need to have) different personality types for different platforms?

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