Where Is The {Self} Love?

By this time of day you’ve probably realized that its Valentines Day and I hope you’re celebrating exactly how you’d like.

While couples are paying for overpriced flowes and all that fun jazz I’m coming in with the self love topic.

Ugh. I know. “Way to jump in the trend train, Amanda!”

Yup. Sure am because you know who needs the most love before they can give love? You.

And do you know who lacks a lot of self love?

I’m sure more than we even want to count - but since I’m a business coach - the direction I’m going to go is owners.

I’d need more than 2 hands to count the number of business owners who are really lacking in this department.

Lack of self love can look like…

- Putting those email responses over sleep to feel like you’ll be more ahead of the next day
- Lacking the self confidence once had because the number of tough situations you never expected to deal with
- Not posting a video because the feeling that people are waaaaay smarter and better looking and have their shit together
- The business finances are stagnant because the effort isn’t being put out
- Not taking a day off because the last 5 years straight havent warranted just one day
- Not celebrating a goal because well, should have set it higher to begin with

When I type these it makes me sad. Because not only have I had them, but I hear friends talk about them. Friends that are so wildly freaking talented and worthy.

And I’m not going to end this with, “think positive thoughts and go take a day off” because it’s waaaay harder than that.

It stuff from our childhood that is set into our nervous system, it’s the negative soundtracks we’ve become accustomed to, it’s years and years of crap.

So while yes, drink your water, eat some food, get some actual sleep, get some fresh air, make the video, yell into your pillow to release the frustration…

But also, allow yourself to dig in deeper. See yourself worthy enough to not do it on your own.

Whether that a counselor, a therapist, a mentor, a mastermind, or a freaking walk with a friend.

Find a way to give yourself some love, because you can’t run anything without it and you’re freaking worth it, friend!

Not your mushy VDay post, but here we are

Amanda Quick