Is Your Availability Getting In The Way Of Your Work?

Available 24/7?

That used to seem like my meeting availability!

I had a ton of meeting times available and would also open up times that were blocked off because I was afraid I was going to miss out on a potential client if they had to book 1 to 2 weeks out. 

But, in doing that, it didn’t take me long to realize I had plenty of time for meetings but found myself stressed that I would have to do client work or admin tasks at night or on weekends. 

And that definitely was not the goal for me!

PS: I think there’s a difference between having to and wanting to work on nights and weekends but that’s another blog…

So, something I do and something I encourage my clients to do is truly layout your schedule that works best for you: 

- what time do you want to start your day 
- what time do you want to end your day 
- add in when you need dedicated time to work on client work
- CEO tasks
- COO tasks
- CMO tasks
- and please, for the love of everything, create some white space and time to eat

Then from there open up meeting times.

But - if you are most creative in the morning - don’t open them up for meeting options if you have other options available.

You’re probably wondering…wiill your lack of availability cause some to be annoyed or even turn some people away? 

Sure, maybe. 

You can always adjust if you think it’s worth it. 

Or you can use that as a sign that they may not be a good fit. 

So, if you need permission to adjust when you take discovery calls and coffee chats, you have it from me!

And as a reminder, this is not something that has to be set in stone. Mine changes pending projects, sean’s travel schedule, and Ellie’s school schedule. And is more limited to your new gal Gracie!

PS: this is something we could work through during a VIP Day 😀

Amanda Quick