Your Confidence Matters!

For the past 6 months, Ellie has been working out on what they call pre-team at their gymnastics gym. 

Pre-team means you work out with the team, but you don’t compete. It gives them a year to not only improve their skills but also see if they want to make the commitment that being on the team comes with as it’s a big decision (for both the athlete and parents). 

As she got started she was in awe of the bigger girls and their skills. Being the newer kid, she was a bit bummed because what she had to work on were not those skills. 

She had to work on the foundational elements that make those skills possible. 

But we all know how exciting the foundational elements are…they’re not really exciting at all. And when you’re standing next to a girl who can already tumble - well, you may just not feel as cool and confident in yourself.

For months and months, she did these and we had to talk about why she did them because the frustration would pop up that the skills weren’t there. 

Until one day they were. 

Her pullover. 

She got up to the bar like she always did and went to pull over only to actually pull over all on her own!
All that work. All the little foundational elements made this possible. Her smile said it all. 

And as you suspect, something funny happened. She walked into the gym the next week with a bit more confidence than before. She went a little harder on skills and started to get them. She held her chin a bit higher and stood with confidence. 

I share this story because this is the case for a lot of business owners. There's a lot of foundational work when we start our business - and not just your brand and your social media.

​I'm talking about your mindset and the skills that make you uniquely you. It's practicing over and over and over until we can confidently stand behind our business. To not call it a little thing. To take on the clients we want to have because they’re a great fit and not because we desperately need the sale. And to charge the prices we should because they reflect the value of ourselves and our work.

​We walk around with this newfound confidence. Not cockiness. Confidence. 

And when this newfound confidence clicks and you stay open to the endless possibilities out there for you, some pretty cool things can happen!

​So, here's to continuously improving those foundational skills to build that confidence that's within you!

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