Simple and Efficient

Simple and Efficient

Things I never thought I’d do: Build out a spreadsheet for Sean’s team. 

My husband Sean needed something simple and efficient that the guys on his team that were out in the field would use and actually do. They needed efficiency.

One night I saw him tracking numbers on a pen and paper for his team call. 

Of course, I saw what he was doing (this was for 20 people by the way) and clearly knew this was not efficient.

I asked why he was doing it by hand. He said it was the easier way.

Ummm no sir. 

So I had him tell me what he needed and he drew it out and I turned it into a simple and effective spreadsheet in Google Sheets. 

It was exactly what he needed. Simple and something his team would actually use.

Simple, and what your team will use is more than enough. You don't need anything fancy.

It took me getting curious about his process to see I had a hidden superpower. I would have never thought the strategy side of my brain + my limited Google Sheets skills would solve a pretty big problem…but here we are! 

Two lessons here: 

  1. Things don’t have to be super fancy. They need to solve a problem. They need to improve what’s not working very well and they need to be able to actually use it. 

  2. Don’t assume that just because something comes easy to you that it comes easy to others. That’s your superpower…and yes, you can and hound charge for it!! 

What have you found to be one of your superpowers that allows you to help others? 

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