Yes, SOPs Are Important (IMO)

Are you down with SOPs?!​​​​​​​​

Ya know, those sexy Standard Operating Procedures?

​​​​​​​​Before I opened our coworking space I was given a book, The E-Myth Revisited. It talks about running your business on systems and standard operating procedures. ​​​​​​​​

“Your business runs on processes and people run the processes.” Michael Gerber

Realizing we hadn’t created any of these we paused and started working on them. 

  • Opening checklist

  • Closing checklist

  • How to sign up and onboard a new member with childcare

  • How to sign up and onboard a new member without childcare

  • How to use the coffee pot

Yes, all of those fun things.

We then determined which tasks belonged to who based on our strengths and the workflow​​​​​​​​.

Once we opened we went back and updated some of them based on actual implementation


Notice we didn’t worry about making them perfect - we just created them based on how we thought they would flow and how we wanted the client experience to be. 


We stayed on top of these until we got "too busy".​​​​​​​​

And not until I had to onboard a new employee did I realize what “being too busy” actually cost me. 

​​​​​​​​It took 2 days to create a 5-page step by step process. ​​​​​​​​

It took 2 days because this was on top of our normal daily workload.

Guess who learned a lesson 🙋🏼‍♀️

​​​​​​Never again!​​​​​​​​

From there on out we updated processes as they changed and created them as we created new things in the business. 

Now, maybe you’re reading this and you’re like “I'm a solopreneur, why should I do this?”

Well, friend... 

  • If you want to incorporate a project management system it’s easier to have it all written out and then start organizing it into your system of choice

  • If you want to hire some FT, PT, or even a VA you’ll be able to spend less time onboarding

  • If you have a team and you, unfortunately, get sick, or go on maternity/paternity leave, or *gasp* go on vacation they can have all the answers at their fingertips 

  • If you want to someday sell your business or turn it into a franchise  it’ll look like a turnkey opportunity

  • They create consistency in how you run your business 

  • They clear out brain space as they keep you from having everything in your brain

While creating these are not as sexy as marketing or networking events - they help create a solid foundation for you and your business! 

Are you down with SOPs or are you cringing at the thought of creating them?!


Amanda Quick