You Be You

“Mom, please turn down your music it’s so embarrassing!”

I slowly turned around while turning down Macklemore wondering who was in my backseat requesting such a thing! 

This was a statement Ellie made a couple of weeks ago and came up again this week. 

I asked her what it meant to be “embarrassed” by something.

She said, “when someone pulls up in pickup line and we can hear their music we alllll turn to see who it is. So, like when everyone is looking at you”

Me: “okay…and?”

Ellie: “well, isn’t that embarrassing for you?”

Me: “is my music a little loud? Maybe. But, I’m not pulling up with full bass bumping some inappropriate music in front of your school.  So, am I worried about the kids looking at me…nope.”

Ellie: “oh”

We then simply talked about the thoughts of other people and how we have no control over what people think of us. If we’re kind, respectful, thoughtful people who are doing our best - that’s what we can control. 

That if we worry about their thoughts then that can take away a lot of fun and joyful times we could have but are not allowing ourselves to have. And that stinks.

If Mary down the street is going to bed worried about me pulling up to school with my music just a little too loud, then that’s on her. I’m for sure not thinking laying in bed thinking about that stuff about her. I’m thinking about our list of things to do for the house, your birthday party, groceries, and work stuff. 

While this is a convo with an almost 7-year-old (how is she that old already?!) this is also something we’re all guilty of in our business. 

Worrying about what others are thinking about how we’re running our business or showing up on social media. 

Full Disclosure: not everyone is going to like you and not everyone is going to like your business. 

Hard truth.

As long as you’re serving in the best way possible and being the best human you can be - you do you. And when you show up as you - your people will connect and be drawn to you. And even better…visa versa!

And if you want to jam out to Macklemore while driving around town…I’ll probably roll down my window and sing along with you!

**just to clarify this is not touting my parenting skills - those are about as good as my singing ;) 

Amanda Quick