Clear Out Your Brain!

Clear out your brain!

Currently, I have 3 pieces of paper with lists on them - some items crossed off and a lot of them not. 

Even though I’m not back to work my brain is still going and we still have some home tasks to do. And when have some downtime this is helpful to not overthink what could be accomplished because it’s right there to go off of!

So, today's chat is about the OG brain dump. 

You know, the one where you just list everything out on that random piece of paper?

The one that happens when it feels like you have 34 tabs open inside your brain. 

When you feel yourself starting one task and then switching to another just to then switch to another…

And you finally just pause and think “okay, wtf am I actually doing right now?!”

Yup. That one. 

This is where a simple brain dump can be so beneficial.

It does take you pausing - which can feel super unproductive - but trust me. 

Put your phone away/upside down/on silent.

Snag a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.

Take a deep breath. 

And just let it out. 

Every single thing that’s in your head (upcoming meetings, birthday invites, dinner plans, 2024 Christmas list)...literally everything!

Take another deep breath and write those last extra things still hanging in your mind. 

Technically you’re finished! Way. To. Go. Sounds silly but there’s a good chance that you’ll feel a whole lot better just with that. 

But, if that’s not enough and you’re feeling spicy we can take it a little further! 

Take a moment and look through your list in terms of what actually needs to be done. You can write today's date next to those, highlight them, circle them, color code them, or whatever floats your boat. 

Now, you can keep going and look through each item and decide if it needs to stay, needs to be delegated, or if it needs to be removed (yes, I give you permission)

With the ones that stay give them a realistic deadline of when they need to be/you’d like them to be done. And if those are big items you can break them down into smaller items so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming or feel like you have to do it all at once.

Then add those tasks to your calendar or task management software!

Boom! Now you can get back to the actual task at hand with a clear brain to complete it!

How does that feel? 

Amanda Quick