My word for 2023!

My word for 2023.

I think I’ve settled on a word for 2023. It came to me over the last couple of days but then today really challenged it so I’m still letting it fully sink in!

The word is... Patience.


  • in myself. 

  • and navigating a family of four.

  • and that the right work opportunities present themselves ( obviously doing the output and not just chilling on the couch waiting for it to show up!)

  • in our weekends.

I tend to be all or nothing and live under the phrase “I'll do it because it just needs to get done..and should probably be done right now”. And many mentioned going from 1 kid to 2 was a transition and that each kid is different, but hello experiencing it is a whole other ballgame! And obviously, I’m trying to turn my brain off to simply “be” for these wonderful newborn weeks - it’s not the easiest thing to do!

I also have a tendency to get worried when it feels like there is a lack of momentum in the business and start to feel like I’m not doing something. But a coach of mine once said that resting and creating white space is just as important as client work. 

And, lastly, because of Sean's work schedule, our weekends tend to get full as we try to fit 7 days' worth into 2. But… both of us really want to spend our weekends not feeling rushed and simply being with friends without an agenda. And when we want to pack up and go - we will! 

Oh, and why did it challenge me today? Ellie actually didn’t start school today like we thought she did (promise it was on the website this time!) and while we love her with all our hearts we were just mentally planning for a little less chaos in the house. Jokes are on us!

So whether you do New Year's resolutions or a word of the year I’d love to not only hear what yours is/are but why you chose them!

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