How To Really Grow In Yourself & Business

The other day we were out at the shop as we had let the weeds take over parts of our garden and they were terrible! 

As I was wedding around the green beans I remembered that the package had said to plant 1 inch apart and when they grew to a certain height you thin out every other one. 

I am no expert gardener, in fact, I am 3 years in of still not knowing what I'm doing! 

The previous 2 years we planted (too many) green beans and didn’t go through and thin them and they seemed just fine. But it was out of a growth strategy, it was because I had forgotten and they were already big enough, so we let him go. 

They all grew, there were a ton, and they were of course crowded, but they still produced green beans, so we picked them.

But, this year while were out there freshening it up I decided this would be the year I followed the instructions…I'm going to pull out these extra plants. 

And, no lie, I was so nervous! So nervous that I waited until the very end to do it.

I thought:

  • what if I pull the wrong one?

  • what if I don't get as many green beans? (we always end up giving so many away so this wasn’t even a necessary statement!)

  • it feels like a waste!

And then the metaphor hit me. 

There are times when we need to thin things out of our lives to make room for growth 🤯

Hello! The garden…it’s magical for content, right?!

I feel this applies to so much in our lives - personal and business - because let’s face it, they totally intertwine. 

  • When we offer too many services through our business we’re not able to grow in the ones that we’re best in. We may start to half-ass all of them.

  • When we hang around too many people who don’t value the personal development journey we’re on (no judgment as they’re not all supposed to be) we tend to not grow as much as we can. 

  • When we’re on a health journey yet keep all the “this food makes me feel awful” in the pantry we may not make the best choices during a stressful moment.

  • When we still our homes with too much stuff we may spend more time cleaning/tidying/putting away and not spending the time just being present.

And this is one of those topics that are usually easier said than done. 

It takes work. 
It takes a strong support group.
It takes a strong mindset.
It takes a deep understanding of why you’re doing it. 

But if it’s what we need to do, we really need to sit back and look at where we need to thin things back so that we can really grow! 

Is there a time when this has been true for you? 

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