Other People And Their Opinions

You know the quote about other people's opinions and how you shouldn't let them determine what you do with your life?

Yeah, that one.

I'm fully on board with that when it's the opinion of someone who has no clue what you're doing, they're not anywhere near where you want to go in your journey, or their values are not at all the same.

But what about the opinions of those who you respect? Or from those who are where you want to be? Or who does have similar values?

IMO I'm all ears and ready to listen to those. I'm not saying I fully act on it 100%, but I am way more likely to take it into consideration.

I say this because I recently had the second part happen. A woman I admire was helping with my social media and saw something in my content that I didn't.

She saw that there was something super extra I do with brain dumps. Yes, brain dumps. How easily I can pull random thoughts into an easy-to-follow action plan - here I thought everyone did this…​

While going through my 6 different frameworks for brain dumps she not only saw ways to do reels/TikToks/etc. but a way to dig deeper and do some master classes to help share it with others. 

Because she is someone who I respect, that I admire where she is in her business and we have similar values - I was all ears to her thoughts and ideas!


These master classes will not only be able to help people learn what they can do with them and how to do them, but to also show what I do when working with clients - which can be tough to do when most of the work we do is intangible.

Alllll that to say two things:

​1. when you're asking for feedback from someone you admire and respect be open to what they can see in you
2. be on the lookout for 6 master classes that I'll be doing to cover the 6 different frameworks of a brain dump (ironically there are 6 and I have 6 months before Baby #2 comes!)

I can't wait to do these as I truly feel they can be beneficial and I'm coming with allll the meat and potatoes with each one!

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