The 6 Frameworks of A Brain Dump!

As a business coach, a lot of the stuff I help clients with is intangible. 

While the idea of a brain dump seems intangible -  when we finish with my client it becomes a tangible asset. 

And most think, “but how can I benefit from these?” 

Storytime, friends!

Meet Alex: 

She’s a solopreneur running a marketing company with the goal of growing into an agency. Her big pain point was knowing what a new hire would do and how many hours that would take. 

Insert one of the 6 Brain Dump frameworks: Breaking Down Your Services

We opened a google sheet and took one of her main offerings and listed out every single step + how much time they took to do.

With just this information she was able to see: 

  • Based on how much she charges per project/hourly she could see if she was charging enough…or not.

  • What tasks could be handed off to a VA or employee + how much time it would require

  • What her profit margin could be if her VA or employee did some of the tasks

Bonus: she now had her workflow to set up in asana :)

Meet Mike: 

Mike is a visionary through and through. 

His goal is to launch a course. But didn't really have a plan and therefore it was all hodgepodge.

Insert one of the 6 Brain Dump frameworks: How to launch your idea with a strategy!

I had him list off every single thing he needed to do for this course and determine the due date. 

With just this information we were able to: 

  • Determine the order of the tasks that were needed to be completed

  • Determine how long each task would take 

  • Determine if the due date he set would actually be feasible to hit

Bonus: this action plan was listed out in a google doc with due dates and checkboxes 

Meet Stephanie: 

She loves a checklist to follow. Like, thrives on checklists and goals.

She had bought a business that had a couple of processes and procedures set up, but not very many. 

With that - she admitted that she would not be able to sit and create these on her own because she was too “in” her business to be able to see what she had unofficially done and what still needed to be done.

Insert one of the 6 Brain Dump frameworks: Mapping out your processes and procedures So you can take a day off in your business

The first step we took was creating the customer experience she wanted her clients to have and then mapped out the overall list of processes and procedures that she would need

With just this information we were able to: 

  • Create timelines of when she would like to have them completed

  • Write them all out in a detailed format

Bonus: enter them all into HoneyBook for her to create her workflows!

Meet Jennifer: 

She’s been running her business for 5 years, is insanely talented, and would get business from when she posted on social. 

She came to me needing help because while she had her content to post on social media she struggled to post consistently. 

Insert one of the 6 Brain Dump frameworks: You know your market, you have your content…now it’s time to get it posted! 

We dug into some coaching discussions as there were some blocks we had to find and work through. We then talked about a realistic schedule that she could keep (on top of spending valuable time what her husband and kiddos)

With just this information we were able to: 

  • Organize her posting schedule she set for herself

  • Organize her content so that it was easy to grab no matter how much time she had

  • Plan out her new offering in phases rather than coming out hot and selling right off the bat 

Bonus: She found so much relief in what she “should” be doing rather than what felt best for her to do

Meet Kristen: 

She is a systems gal.

She came to our session thinking she had a productivity problem. 

We went through all of her tasks that she does throughout the days/weeks/months/year and looked at how she was scheduling them in her calendar.  

Insert one of the 6 Brain Dump frameworks: Creating a schedule that works for YOU on YOUR terms!

With just this information we were able to: 

  • Confirm that she was managing her workload really well

  • Look at how she could take breaks to fit her workflow better

  • Realize she didn’t have a productivity problem - she actually had a boundary problem and that she needed to set stricter ones with a specific client

Bonus: she felt great about how she worked and had a hard convo with that client to set stronger boundaries.

Meet Sean: 

He has a lot on his plate. A business, a family, building a new home, and a rental property.

There were a lot of to-dos between all of these and they were all floating around in his head like the spin cycle on your washer. This caused him to freeze up and just pick a random item rather than what was his priority.  

We turned off all distractions and I had him just start listing out everything he was thinking about that needed to be done. I didn’t let him get into the why, the how, or anything else. Just word vomited.

Insert one of the 6 Brain Dump frameworks: How to clear space in your brain so you can close the 34 tabs you have open…

With this information we were able to do: 

  • Simply remove the overwhelm he was feeling

  • Organize the list based on priority

  • Assign each task with a realistic due date

  • Created a checklist for him to print off and use

Bonus: he actually used it and was hitting his due dates

Whew - if you just go through all that I’d love to give you a gold star! I wanted you to see how the different frameworks benefit business owners just like you to see if they’re a good fit!

AND because the bundle price of the master classes goes away in less than a week I wanted you to see how these can benefit. 

To learn more about the master classes - click here!

Each month I’ll be breaking these down even more so stay tuned! 

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